Faith Driven Venture Capital - Faith Driven Entrepreneurs - Faith Driven Investors - Faith Driven Consumers - Faith Driven Ventures

Faithpreneur Acceleration


Welcome to our Faith Driven Entrepreneurs Centre 😇

Hello! It’s great to see you.

Thank you for your interest in partnering with us in Faith Driven Ventures that honor God. Please take a moment to read our prerequisites and reach out to us and say hello as Faith Driven Entrepreneurs after reviewing all contents of this page. Should we connect by phone, your pitch deck may be requested for our review.

Prayerful Consideration 🙏🏻

We ask all entrepreneurs to pray earnestly about our collaboration together. We ask that you pray God would illuminate our eyes and business intellect to see all the strengths of your venture through His eyes and through any documents submitted. We are here to serve God (and every entrepreneur) with humility and those who come to us we believe, in one form or another, is a purpose driven relationship in the making. We are ‘for you’ and the Isaiah 43:19 vision of victory God has placed within your heart and entrepreneurial intellect.

Faith Driven Ventures 💡

At Faith Driven Venture Capital we only consider and/or invest in Faith Driven Ventures that are directly addressing the needs of 408 million Faith Driven Consumers worldwide. This is where God has lead us and continues to lead us. We do not consider and/or invest in general Christian startups or non-Faith Driven ventures. Until the advent of Faith Driven Venture Capital™, there has never been a venture capital firm dedicated exclusively to serving the needs of Faith Driven Consumers worldwide. We will continue to serve this exclusive vertical with a spirit of excellence and we look for Faith Driven Entrepreneurs who are led to do the same.

Faith Driven Entrepreneurs Meeting 💬

All Faith Driven Entrepreneurs and startups, if requested, must schedule a 1Hr Faith Driven Entrepreneur Meeting with our leadership to present first-hand their ventures. It also gives our leadership the opportunity to ask pertinent and critical questions in any number of areas to ascertain the potential viability of your venture.

Faith Driven Investor Pitch Deck 📁

When requested, all entrepreneurs must submit their venture via a professional Investor PowerPoint Pitch Deck via Microsoft PowerPoint. Please make sure your PowerPoint is saved in PowerPoint Show mode. Your pitch deck can be emailed to us or uploaded to your Google Drive account. Once uploaded to Google Drive you may email us a link where we can download it for our review.

Pitch Deck Development Services 🧰

If you do not know how to develop a professional pitch deck for Faith Driven Investors and/or you do not have the time, you can avail of pitch deck services with our development partner at Christian Web Design. You can learn more here.

Connect with Us on Social Media 🤝🏻

Before your 1Hr Faith Driven Entrepreneurs Meeting and/or you submit your pitch deck, we request that you (and your team) connect with us on all seven of our social media profiles. To find our social media icons which will connect you with our fan pages, please click here.

Phone Call via Google Calendar 📱

Should you be invited to schedule your Faith Driven Entrepreneurs meeting, you will be able to connect with us to discuss the merits of your venture and business model via Google Calendar regardless of your global location. You will receive instructions via your Google Calendar invite email which will provide you a local number and PIN # to dial into and connect with us. Our initial meeting will be 1hr and we ask you to please be punctual and ready to go at the scheduled time and date you’ve selected. Please respect FDVC’s time and schedule as we will respect yours.

Sharing Your Pitch Deck  📥

If needed, FDVC will request your pitch deck after your Faith Driven Entrepreneurs Meeting. Thank you.

Please note: Faith Driven Venture Capital only invests in Faith Driven Ventures with Christian founders and leadership teams. We are actively looking for Faith Driven Entrepreneurs who wish to take their success in the marketplace to the four corners of the earth and be a leader for this generation in the same manner King David was in his glory hallelujah!

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