Faith Driven Venture Capital™ 🏔️
We are a Faith Driven Venture Capital firm located in Vancouver, BC.
We are here to empower Faith Driven Entrepreneurs and Faith Driven Investors to step into the fullness of their destiny for Christ.
Faith Driven Entrepreneurs
Faith Driven Entrepreneurs live and work for Christ
and persevere in their startups God has called them to.
Faith Driven Consumers
Faith Driven Consumers spend $10T annually in the
marketplace & are looking for faith-compatible retailers.
Faith Driven Investors
Faith Driven Investors live to honor God and infuse
whole-life stewardship into their investment decisions.
Faith Driven Ventures
Faith Driven Ventures target Faith Driven Consumers
and offer Faith Driven Investors the highest possible ROI.
Our Values In Christ
We look for Faith Driven Entrepreneurs and Faith Driven Investors who hold the same biblical values in Christ
we do to yoke up together to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the marketplace to the four corners of the earth.
Jesus First
Faith Driven ventures should be centered around Jesus and seek to impact the Body of Christ and our world through technology and innovation which serves the Will of God and prepares for the harvest in this generation.
Service in Love
FDVC is sold out for building people up through the Gospel and has empathic concern for all people who face challenges and invest in Christian ventures that execute ministry outreaches with a spirit of excellence.
People & Leaders
We love the family of God! We seek out warm relationships in Christ that empower our business chemistry. We embrace entrepreneurs, who like King David, are determined to be a leader in our generation.
Bio & Focus
Faith Driven Venture Capital is a global investment firm launched in 2020 which specializes in venture capital and invests exclusively in Faith Driven Ventures targeting Faith Driven Consumers. FDVC’s mission is to serve an underserved global Christian tech, investor and faith driven consumer community. Faith Driven Entrepreneurs and Faith Driven Investors have had very limited options to connect via an experienced Christian VC firm to expedite soft-launching faith driven ventures.
Faith Driven Venture Capital is a Christian firm with a focus on innovative tech-based companies that have high growth potential and can impact the Body of Christ worldwide. FDVC backs Faith Driven Entrepreneurs who want to change the world by developing faith driven platforms targeting underserved faith driven consumers while simultaneously executing a ministry strategy to ‘Strengthen the Saved and Save the Lost™.’ We partner with Faith Driven leadership, whether as an entrepreneur or investor, that is spiritually mature and seek to maximize ROI and impact for the Kingdom of God (revenue generation and soul generation).
As a Faith Driven VC Firm we are dedicated to empowering faith driven entrepreneurs to create marketplaces, products, brands, apps and services for faith driven consumers worldwide. 89% of all faith driven consumers would like to see the global marketplace do more for them in terms of being adequately acknowledged, welcomed and provided for as Christians. FDVC’s investment strategy and focus is to invest in and develop faith driven ventures that acknowledges, welcomes and provides for FDC as Christian consumers.
Faith Driven Venture Capital: Putting the Faith Back in Faith Driven Entrepreneurs & Investors™
In the Christian entrepreneurial ecosystem FDVC emphasizes that being a Faith Driven entrepreneur or investor means we are to be Salt for Christ in this world 24/7/365. Franklin Graham encourages the Body of Christ to ‘Stand for the Gospel’ in every area of life and declares boldly to Christians, “It’s time we quit being afraid! It’s time we quit backing up!” and push back against the world and forces of darkness. Faith Driven Venture Capital endeavors to work with Faith Driven Entrepreneurs and Investors who are ‘mighty men and women of valor’ for such a time as this.
Faith Driven Portfolio
Faith Driven Venture Capital’s first 4 global ventures in development are targeting 4 underserved global markets to strategically serve the needs of 2.6 billion Christians worldwide and within that, 468 million Faith Driven Consumers with an annual purchasing power of US$10 trillion in the global marketplace, which includes but is not limited to shopping, travel, ridesharing & apps. Click on pics below to learn more.
Faith Driven Retailers
The comments below are just a sample of what Faith Driven Retailers worldwide are saying about the imminent soft-launch of the largest Faith Driven Marketplace™ in the world at ARK – Shopping for The Joshua Generation™.

“ARK thank you so much for the information! I have already signed up for the soft launch. So excited for this!”

Yuhuang W.

“ARK Registered!!! Thank you I absolutely love this!! Will spread the word.”

Tami A.

“I would love more info on how to register to become a seller. What a great platform!”

Noelle H.

“How do we set up a store with you please? This is so exciting we cannot wait to get started!!”

Clare O.

“Love the initiative! I’m registered and good to go! May Psalms 90:17 not return void to you!”

Ronel B.
Venture Capital News
Receive curated global Faith Driven Venture Capital™ news of entrepreneurs, startups, PE, exits
and investors throughout tech as well as the Word of God from various pastors and ministries worldwide!
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Follow our latest news, videos, pix and most importantly, the Word and Favor of God. Receive curated global Faith Driven Venture Capital news of entrepreneurs, startups, PE, exits and investors throughout tech. We cordially invite all Faith Driven entrepreneurs, startups & investors to connect with us today!